The separate effects that an electric and a magnetic field would have on the total energy and spin of an elementary electron state have been computed in a theoretical quantum field theory framework. It is shown that all the effects in this process, that are defined “fermion epigenetics”, can be expressed in a simple and elegant way in terms of the components of the electron field, called “psinons” in this approach. In the minimal interaction prescription, the electric and the magnetic effects can be separated into the sum of “classical” components reproducing conventional Stark and Zeeman effects, and new components of different type. In the non-relativistic limit, the two residual effects on the energy only depend on the electron intrinsic properties, i.e. its charge and its spin, and on the value of the electric and magnetic potentials. A comparison with the results obtainable in a Pauli formalism approach is discussed and, finally, a very qualitative calculation of the size of possible effects is performed.
The separate effects that an electric and a magnetic field would have on the total energy and spin of an elementary electron state have been computed in a theoretical quantum field theory framework. It is shown that all the effects in this process, that are defined “fermion epigenetics”, can be expressed in a simple and elegant way in terms of the components of the electron field, called “psinons” in this approach. In the minimal interaction prescription, the electric and the magnetic effects can be separated into the sum of “classical” components reproducing conventional Stark and Zeeman effects, and new components of different type. In the non-relativistic limit, the two residual effects on the energy only depend on the electron intrinsic properties, i.e. its charge and its spin, and on the value of the electric and magnetic potentials. A comparison with the results obtainable in a Pauli formalism approach is discussed and, finally, a very qualitative calculation of the size of possible effects is performed.