The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be interpreted as akin to time dilation ergo a notion topologically equivalent to the speed of the passing of time or the difference of elapsed time between two events in Einstein’s Relativity Theory. This results via Newton’s kinetic energy into the well-known observationally confirmed and accurately measured 4.5 and 95.5 percent of ordinary and dark Cosmic Energy density respectively.
The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be interpreted as akin to time dilation ergo a notion topologically equivalent to the speed of the passing of time or the difference of elapsed time between two events in Einstein’s Relativity Theory. This results via Newton’s kinetic energy into the well-known observationally confirmed and accurately measured 4.5 and 95.5 percent of ordinary and dark Cosmic Energy density respectively.
M. S. El Naschie
M. S. El Naschie(Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt)