A new redshift-distance relation is derived from Mach’s principle with light relativity that describes disturbance of a light on spacetime and influence of the disturbed spacetime on the light inertia or frequency. A moving object or photon, because of its continuously keeping on displacement, disturbs the rest of the entire universe or distorts/curves the spacetime. The distorted or curved spacetime then generates an effective gravitational force to act back on or drag the moving object or photon, so that reduces the object inertia or photon frequency. Considering the disturbance of spacetime by a photon is extremely weak, we have modeled the effective gravitational force to be Newtonian and thus derived the new redshift-distance relation that can not only perfectly explain the redshift-distance measurement of distant type Ia supernovae but also inherently obtain Hubble’s law as an approximate at small redshift. Therefore, the result obtained from this study does neither support the acceleration of the universe nor the expansion of the universe but prefers to Einstein’s simplest cosmology of the static universe or Zhang’s static or dynamic cosmology of the black hole universe.
A new redshift-distance relation is derived from Mach’s principle with light relativity that describes disturbance of a light on spacetime and influence of the disturbed spacetime on the light inertia or frequency. A moving object or photon, because of its continuously keeping on displacement, disturbs the rest of the entire universe or distorts/curves the spacetime. The distorted or curved spacetime then generates an effective gravitational force to act back on or drag the moving object or photon, so that reduces the object inertia or photon frequency. Considering the disturbance of spacetime by a photon is extremely weak, we have modeled the effective gravitational force to be Newtonian and thus derived the new redshift-distance relation that can not only perfectly explain the redshift-distance measurement of distant type Ia supernovae but also inherently obtain Hubble’s law as an approximate at small redshift. Therefore, the result obtained from this study does neither support the acceleration of the universe nor the expansion of the universe but prefers to Einstein’s simplest cosmology of the static universe or Zhang’s static or dynamic cosmology of the black hole universe.