
The Universe, Origen and Destiny

The Universe, Origen and Destiny
摘要 In a previous paper [1] [2] [3], the author has proposed the following concepts: the Hubble field, the constant value of acceleration of the Universe expansion, a De Sitter-Hubble gravitational equation, and the possibility of an imaginary time, all of them mainly oriented to a hypothesis about the Universe destiny. This work mentions some theories about the origin of the Universe and suggests the existence of a limit for the physical Universe. Accordingly to a relevant author [4], there are two main ways in considering these themes: those methods based on physical theories and those founded in metaphysical concepts of philosophy and religion. After some comments on such theories, this paper agrees that, in the physical search, the Big Bang seems to be the most probable origin of the physical Universe, space and time. On the metaphysical approach, the creation ex nihilo seems to be the commonest hypothesis for such origin. Besides, it is assumed that the Creator would have set two driving and successive conditions: transcendence and ethics. Reference is made to the arrow of time and to the proper time, a physical concept aimed to define both frozen and imaginary times, which would correspond to a space without time, and another space with imaginary time. A diagram is proposed for the Euclidic space, including a world-line throughout the space-like. In a previous paper [1] [2] [3], the author has proposed the following concepts: the Hubble field, the constant value of acceleration of the Universe expansion, a De Sitter-Hubble gravitational equation, and the possibility of an imaginary time, all of them mainly oriented to a hypothesis about the Universe destiny. This work mentions some theories about the origin of the Universe and suggests the existence of a limit for the physical Universe. Accordingly to a relevant author [4], there are two main ways in considering these themes: those methods based on physical theories and those founded in metaphysical concepts of philosophy and religion. After some comments on such theories, this paper agrees that, in the physical search, the Big Bang seems to be the most probable origin of the physical Universe, space and time. On the metaphysical approach, the creation ex nihilo seems to be the commonest hypothesis for such origin. Besides, it is assumed that the Creator would have set two driving and successive conditions: transcendence and ethics. Reference is made to the arrow of time and to the proper time, a physical concept aimed to define both frozen and imaginary times, which would correspond to a space without time, and another space with imaginary time. A diagram is proposed for the Euclidic space, including a world-line throughout the space-like.
机构地区 UNAM
出处 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2018年第9期1814-1826,共13页 现代物理(英文)
关键词 HUBBLE FIELD Hubble Field
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