The Standard Model of particle physics does not account for charged fermion mass values and neutrino mass, or explain why only three particles are in each charge state 0, -e/3, 2e/3, and -e. These issues are addressed by treating Standard Model particles with mass m as spheres with diameter equal to their Compton wavelength l =ħ/mc, where ħis Planck’s constant and c the speed of light, and any charge in diametrically opposed pairs ±ne/6 with n = 1, 2, or 3 at the axis of rotation on the sphere surface. Particles are ground state solutions of quantized Friedmann equations from general relativity, with differing internal gravitational constants. Energy distribution within particles identifies Standard Model particles with spheres containing central black holes with mass m, and particle spin resulting from black hole angular momentum. In each charge state, energy distribution within particles satisfies a cubic equation in l, allowing only three particles in the charge state and requiring neutrino mass. Cosmic vacuum energy density is a lower limit on energy density of systems in the universe, and setting electron neutrino average energy density equal to cosmic vacuum energy density predicts neutrino masses consistent with experiment. Relations between charged fermion wavelength solutions to cubic equations in different charge states determine charged fermion masses relative to electron mass as a consequence of charge neutrality of the universe. An appendix shows assigning charge ±e/6 to bits of information on the event horizon available for holographic description of physics in the observable universe accounts for dominance of matter over anti-matter. The analysis explains why only three Standard Models are in each charge state and predicts neutrino masses based on cosmic vacuum energy density as a lower bound on neutrino energy density.
The Standard Model of particle physics does not account for charged fermion mass values and neutrino mass, or explain why only three particles are in each charge state 0, -e/3, 2e/3, and -e. These issues are addressed by treating Standard Model particles with mass m as spheres with diameter equal to their Compton wavelength l =ħ/mc, where ħis Planck’s constant and c the speed of light, and any charge in diametrically opposed pairs ±ne/6 with n = 1, 2, or 3 at the axis of rotation on the sphere surface. Particles are ground state solutions of quantized Friedmann equations from general relativity, with differing internal gravitational constants. Energy distribution within particles identifies Standard Model particles with spheres containing central black holes with mass m, and particle spin resulting from black hole angular momentum. In each charge state, energy distribution within particles satisfies a cubic equation in l, allowing only three particles in the charge state and requiring neutrino mass. Cosmic vacuum energy density is a lower limit on energy density of systems in the universe, and setting electron neutrino average energy density equal to cosmic vacuum energy density predicts neutrino masses consistent with experiment. Relations between charged fermion wavelength solutions to cubic equations in different charge states determine charged fermion masses relative to electron mass as a consequence of charge neutrality of the universe. An appendix shows assigning charge ±e/6 to bits of information on the event horizon available for holographic description of physics in the observable universe accounts for dominance of matter over anti-matter. The analysis explains why only three Standard Models are in each charge state and predicts neutrino masses based on cosmic vacuum energy density as a lower bound on neutrino energy density.
T. R. Mongan
T. R. Mongan(84 Marin Avenue, Sausalito, USA)