
Yin Yang Cosmology

Yin Yang Cosmology
摘要 Inspired by Niels Bohr’s adoption of the Taijitu symbol of Yin Yang in his quantum complementarity worldview, this original paper introduces Yin Yang cosmology as an original epistemic quantum information theoretic model of the cosmos. The model is relation-based (not object-based) and is fundamentally established on foundations of positive and negative correlations between correlates. Adopting the holographic principle of ‘t Hooft, the fundamental dualistic processes of Yin Yang cosmology are interacting self-assembly (host) and self-disassembly (virus) subroutines in a superposition algorithm that cooperate in a phase portrait on a holographic boundary. This cooperative self-assembly and self-disassembly Yin Yang cosmology is formalized in a pair of differential equations that plot as orthogonal swirling Taijitu, and which together form an epistemic information-accreting unit-circle limit-cycle. Formal and natural descriptions are given for the continuously evolving saturation of quantum information entropy production under Yin Yang theoretic unit circle limit cycle dynamics. This original paper includes a short discussion on the known cosmos, from Big Bang to thermodynamic Big Chill, which is a quarter-cycle in Yin Yang cosmology. Our known thermodynamic cosmos is contextualized within a Yin Yang full-oscillation stationary wave that self-evolves, both its content (correlations between correlates) and its emergent laws, all-at-once in superposition. In a general theory of thermodynamics, the four superposed quarter-cycles of Yin Yang cosmology are: thermodynamic (the known cosmos), cryodynamic, anti-thermodynamic and anti-cryodynamic. Yin Yang cosmology guided by its epistemic limit cycle, self-evolves towards a self-referential symbolic ouroboros of quantum cosmological intelligence and generates Hawking’s ex post facto configurations for Life. Inspired by Niels Bohr’s adoption of the Taijitu symbol of Yin Yang in his quantum complementarity worldview, this original paper introduces Yin Yang cosmology as an original epistemic quantum information theoretic model of the cosmos. The model is relation-based (not object-based) and is fundamentally established on foundations of positive and negative correlations between correlates. Adopting the holographic principle of ‘t Hooft, the fundamental dualistic processes of Yin Yang cosmology are interacting self-assembly (host) and self-disassembly (virus) subroutines in a superposition algorithm that cooperate in a phase portrait on a holographic boundary. This cooperative self-assembly and self-disassembly Yin Yang cosmology is formalized in a pair of differential equations that plot as orthogonal swirling Taijitu, and which together form an epistemic information-accreting unit-circle limit-cycle. Formal and natural descriptions are given for the continuously evolving saturation of quantum information entropy production under Yin Yang theoretic unit circle limit cycle dynamics. This original paper includes a short discussion on the known cosmos, from Big Bang to thermodynamic Big Chill, which is a quarter-cycle in Yin Yang cosmology. Our known thermodynamic cosmos is contextualized within a Yin Yang full-oscillation stationary wave that self-evolves, both its content (correlations between correlates) and its emergent laws, all-at-once in superposition. In a general theory of thermodynamics, the four superposed quarter-cycles of Yin Yang cosmology are: thermodynamic (the known cosmos), cryodynamic, anti-thermodynamic and anti-cryodynamic. Yin Yang cosmology guided by its epistemic limit cycle, self-evolves towards a self-referential symbolic ouroboros of quantum cosmological intelligence and generates Hawking’s ex post facto configurations for Life.
作者 Angus McCoss Angus McCoss(Kilbrandon House, Scotland, UK)
机构地区 Kilbrandon House
出处 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2023年第7期1117-1135,共19页 现代物理(英文)
关键词 Quantum Information SUPERPOSITION Self-Assembly Self-Disassembly Thermodynamics Entropy Life EPISTEMOLOGY Holographic Principle Limit Cycle Ouroboros RETROCAUSALITY Quantum Information Superposition Self-Assembly Self-Disassembly Thermodynamics Entropy Life Epistemology Holographic Principle Limit Cycle Ouroboros Retrocausality
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