Classical simulation of a quantum system is a hard problem. It’s known that these problems can be solved efficiently by using quantum computers. This study demonstrates the simulation of the molecular Hamiltonian of 2p-π electrons of ethylene in order to calculate the ground state energy. The ground state energy is estimated by an iterative phase estimation algorithm. The ground state is prepared by the adiabatic state preparation and the implementation of the procedure is carried out by numerical simulation of two-qubit NMR quantum simulator. The readout scheme of the simulator is performed by extracting binary bits via NMR interferometer.
Classical simulation of a quantum system is a hard problem. It’s known that these problems can be solved efficiently by using quantum computers. This study demonstrates the simulation of the molecular Hamiltonian of 2p-π electrons of ethylene in order to calculate the ground state energy. The ground state energy is estimated by an iterative phase estimation algorithm. The ground state is prepared by the adiabatic state preparation and the implementation of the procedure is carried out by numerical simulation of two-qubit NMR quantum simulator. The readout scheme of the simulator is performed by extracting binary bits via NMR interferometer.