The spectral noise characteristic and relative intensity noise of an all-fibre Sagnac interferometer consisting of pump source, a WDM, a piece of Er-doped fibre, a fibre Bragg grating (FBG), an optical circulator and a 50/50 coupler, were studied over a 75C-degree range. At the probing end, a high-birefringence piece of fibre and a Peltier were employed for temperature variation. Spectral and temperature response of the noise reduction due to temperature variation was performed remotely using an Arduino micro-controller and a DS18B20 digital sensor and fed into a local area network. Optical and thermal charac-terization of the system has also been undertaken.
The spectral noise characteristic and relative intensity noise of an all-fibre Sagnac interferometer consisting of pump source, a WDM, a piece of Er-doped fibre, a fibre Bragg grating (FBG), an optical circulator and a 50/50 coupler, were studied over a 75C-degree range. At the probing end, a high-birefringence piece of fibre and a Peltier were employed for temperature variation. Spectral and temperature response of the noise reduction due to temperature variation was performed remotely using an Arduino micro-controller and a DS18B20 digital sensor and fed into a local area network. Optical and thermal charac-terization of the system has also been undertaken.