The role of the carrier’s recombination velocity Si within the depletion Layer of p-n junction solar cell and the external bias voltage Va across the junction in determining the current density “J” through the cell is revealed. The unsteady carrier diffusion equation is solved under illumination conditions considering a source spectral function G(λ). The efficiency of the device as a function of Si , Va , G(λ) is obtained. Computations considering a silicon solar cell are given as an illustrative example.
The role of the carrier’s recombination velocity Si within the depletion Layer of p-n junction solar cell and the external bias voltage Va across the junction in determining the current density “J” through the cell is revealed. The unsteady carrier diffusion equation is solved under illumination conditions considering a source spectral function G(λ). The efficiency of the device as a function of Si , Va , G(λ) is obtained. Computations considering a silicon solar cell are given as an illustrative example.