Theoretical physics makes a wide use of differential equations for which only a potential solution is applied. The possibility that these equations may have a non-potential solution is ruled out and not considered. In this paper an exact non-potential solution of the continuity equation is described. The electric field of an elementary charged particle consists of two components: the known Potential Component (PC) produced by the charge and the earlier unknown Non-potential Component (NC) with a zero charge. Charged particles have both components, while a neutron has only the NC. The proton and neutron NC ensures similarity of their properties. The PC is spherically symmetric and NC is axisymmetric. Therefore, to describe an elementary particle, one should take into account both its spatial coordinates and the NC orientation. The particle interaction is determined by their NC mutual orientation. Neglecting the latter leads to indefiniteness of the interaction result. In a homogeneous electric field, the force acting on the NC is zero. Therefore, a charged particle possessing the NC will behave like a potential one. In an inhomogeneous field, the situation is principally different. Due to the NC there occurs an interaction between a neutron and a proton. The non-potential field results in the existence of two types of neutrons: a neutron and an antineutron. A neutron repels from a proton ensuring scattering of neutrons on protons. An antineutron is attracted to a proton leading to its annihilation. The NC produces the magnetic dipole moment of an elementary particle.
Theoretical physics makes a wide use of differential equations for which only a potential solution is applied. The possibility that these equations may have a non-potential solution is ruled out and not considered. In this paper an exact non-potential solution of the continuity equation is described. The electric field of an elementary charged particle consists of two components: the known Potential Component (PC) produced by the charge and the earlier unknown Non-potential Component (NC) with a zero charge. Charged particles have both components, while a neutron has only the NC. The proton and neutron NC ensures similarity of their properties. The PC is spherically symmetric and NC is axisymmetric. Therefore, to describe an elementary particle, one should take into account both its spatial coordinates and the NC orientation. The particle interaction is determined by their NC mutual orientation. Neglecting the latter leads to indefiniteness of the interaction result. In a homogeneous electric field, the force acting on the NC is zero. Therefore, a charged particle possessing the NC will behave like a potential one. In an inhomogeneous field, the situation is principally different. Due to the NC there occurs an interaction between a neutron and a proton. The non-potential field results in the existence of two types of neutrons: a neutron and an antineutron. A neutron repels from a proton ensuring scattering of neutrons on protons. An antineutron is attracted to a proton leading to its annihilation. The NC produces the magnetic dipole moment of an elementary particle.