Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is a crop of major economic significance in Tanzania with annual revenue estimated at 100 Million USD. The current mean annual production of the crop is 68,000 MT of clean coffee of which 90% is contributed by about 450,000 smallholder farmers and while large estate owners contribute the rest. Antestia bug (Antestiopsis orbitalis spp.), the pest known to attack all vegetative and fruiting parts of the coffee tree with substantial yield reduction of up to 45% has been reported to occur contemporary on Arabica coffee in Tanzania, particularly in Kilimanjaro Region. Despite the reported existence of Antestia bug and its damages that badly inflict on the productivity and quality of coffee, the pest status of the bug in Tanzania has never been established. The present study examined the incidence damage severity of Antestia bug in the Arabica coffee fields in major producing regions of Kilimanjaro, Ruvuma and Songwe. A stratified sampling of 360 coffee farms was done on which the Antestia bug incidence and severity were recorded. Results suggested that all regions were infested and the shade intensity influenced the pest incidences with the highest severity record in Kilimanjaro and the least affected was Songwe Region. Dense shade had the highest Antestia bug incidence than sparse shade canopy (p < 0.001). The current study sheds insights into understanding the pest status of Antestia bugs on Arabica coffee in Tanzania which could be used in designing effective management strategies. .
Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is a crop of major economic significance in Tanzania with annual revenue estimated at 100 Million USD. The current mean annual production of the crop is 68,000 MT of clean coffee of which 90% is contributed by about 450,000 smallholder farmers and while large estate owners contribute the rest. Antestia bug (Antestiopsis orbitalis spp.), the pest known to attack all vegetative and fruiting parts of the coffee tree with substantial yield reduction of up to 45% has been reported to occur contemporary on Arabica coffee in Tanzania, particularly in Kilimanjaro Region. Despite the reported existence of Antestia bug and its damages that badly inflict on the productivity and quality of coffee, the pest status of the bug in Tanzania has never been established. The present study examined the incidence damage severity of Antestia bug in the Arabica coffee fields in major producing regions of Kilimanjaro, Ruvuma and Songwe. A stratified sampling of 360 coffee farms was done on which the Antestia bug incidence and severity were recorded. Results suggested that all regions were infested and the shade intensity influenced the pest incidences with the highest severity record in Kilimanjaro and the least affected was Songwe Region. Dense shade had the highest Antestia bug incidence than sparse shade canopy (p < 0.001). The current study sheds insights into understanding the pest status of Antestia bugs on Arabica coffee in Tanzania which could be used in designing effective management strategies. .
Edmond Zani
Gration M. Rwegasira
Edmond Zani;Gration M. Rwegasira(Department of Crop Science and Horticulture, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania)