
Unique Tail Appendages of Marine Bacteriophages

Unique Tail Appendages of Marine Bacteriophages
摘要 The objective was to visualize a variety of marine bacteriophage and identify unique structural features that set them apart from terrestrial phages. Phages were plaque isolated and characterized using atomic force microscopy. Bacteriophage infecting cyanobacteria synechococcus that exhibits a novel structural feature not previously reported for any other phages were observed. These cyanophages have up to four, 450 nm long, multi-stranded, complex helical fibers that emanate from either the base plate and/or the collar of the phage particle, origins of shorter fibers on well-studied phages such as T4. The flexible fibers terminate at their distal ends in multiple bulbs of diameter 30 nm composed of 20 to 30 closely associated proteins. Bulbs form one of two distinctive patterns, or tassels. Most commonly, the arrangement is a 3 + 1 pattern of three consecutive bulbs at the very end with a forth lying upstream, separated from the terminal three by a gap of 135 nm. In other populations the fibers terminate in 5 consecutive bulbs. It is proposed that the novel appendages may be involved in host cell searching and recognition in a marine environment. The objective was to visualize a variety of marine bacteriophage and identify unique structural features that set them apart from terrestrial phages. Phages were plaque isolated and characterized using atomic force microscopy. Bacteriophage infecting cyanobacteria synechococcus that exhibits a novel structural feature not previously reported for any other phages were observed. These cyanophages have up to four, 450 nm long, multi-stranded, complex helical fibers that emanate from either the base plate and/or the collar of the phage particle, origins of shorter fibers on well-studied phages such as T4. The flexible fibers terminate at their distal ends in multiple bulbs of diameter 30 nm composed of 20 to 30 closely associated proteins. Bulbs form one of two distinctive patterns, or tassels. Most commonly, the arrangement is a 3 + 1 pattern of three consecutive bulbs at the very end with a forth lying upstream, separated from the terminal three by a gap of 135 nm. In other populations the fibers terminate in 5 consecutive bulbs. It is proposed that the novel appendages may be involved in host cell searching and recognition in a marine environment.
出处 《Advances in Microbiology》 2013年第6期55-59,共5页 微生物学(英文)
关键词 TAIL Fibers RECEPTORS Ecology Myovirus Recognition AFM 3 + 1 Tassels MARINE Biology MARINE Vi-ruses Tail Fibers Receptors Ecology Myovirus Recognition AFM 3 + 1 Tassels Marine Biology Marine Vi-ruses
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