Cotton is an economically important natural fiber in the world, whose seeds are used as food and fiber used in the manufacturing of textiles. Cotton is naturally a renewable synthetic fiber which is derived from petroleum. Restriction in conventional breeding program to hereditary change may be because of those of information something like yield revenue and fiber quality of traits. Vitally, the genome representation of the cotton for various traits is the basic need for breeding purposes. The present review discusses the issues of conventional breeding and genomics resources & efforts are utilized to enhance the yield of cotton.
Cotton is an economically important natural fiber in the world, whose seeds are used as food and fiber used in the manufacturing of textiles. Cotton is naturally a renewable synthetic fiber which is derived from petroleum. Restriction in conventional breeding program to hereditary change may be because of those of information something like yield revenue and fiber quality of traits. Vitally, the genome representation of the cotton for various traits is the basic need for breeding purposes. The present review discusses the issues of conventional breeding and genomics resources & efforts are utilized to enhance the yield of cotton.