
Effect of Growth Regulators in Production and Rooting of Coffea arabica L.Minicuttings

摘要 The plants of C. arabica do not naturally produce a large number of orthotropic sprouts, hindering clonal multiplication by cutting, which would be the simplest technique with a lower cost of production compared to other methods of vegetative propagation. An alternative form, used successfully in the propagation of eucalyptus, is propagation by minicutting, which consists of pruning the shoot apex of the plant, forming the ministumps, which in variable time interval emits the shoots that will be used to make minicutting. In C. arabica plants the number of shoots can be increased with the application of growth regulators and fertilizers. So, the purpose of this work was to verify the effect of growth regulators and foliar fertilizers on the emission and development of orthotropic shoots of C. arabica. The experiment was installed in a randomized complete block design, with ten treatments composed by growth regulators and fertilizers: T1 (Control);T2 (Stimulate + Sturdy + Enervig);T3 (Stimulate + Vitakelp + Biozyme);T4 (Tiba + Sturdy + Enervig);T5 (Tiba + Vitakelp + Biozyme);T6 (Brs + Sturdy + Enervig) T7 (Brs + Vitakelp + Biozyme);T8 (Stimulate);T9 (TIBA);T10 (Brs-Brassinoesteroid), each plot consisting of two plants. Biometric and physiological parameters were evaluated for the ministumps, as well as the biometric parameters of the shoots and plant survival. The results showed that there was no influence of the treatments on the biometric parameters of the ministumps. A greater number of orthotopic sprouts were obtained in treatments with the TIBA growth regulator, as well as a greater plant survival of the minicuttings, after 25 days of transplanting in a greenhouse. It was concluded that TIBA treatments influenced the production and quality of clonal minicuttings of C. arabica. The plants of C. arabica do not naturally produce a large number of orthotropic sprouts, hindering clonal multiplication by cutting, which would be the simplest technique with a lower cost of production compared to other methods of vegetative propagation. An alternative form, used successfully in the propagation of eucalyptus, is propagation by minicutting, which consists of pruning the shoot apex of the plant, forming the ministumps, which in variable time interval emits the shoots that will be used to make minicutting. In C. arabica plants the number of shoots can be increased with the application of growth regulators and fertilizers. So, the purpose of this work was to verify the effect of growth regulators and foliar fertilizers on the emission and development of orthotropic shoots of C. arabica. The experiment was installed in a randomized complete block design, with ten treatments composed by growth regulators and fertilizers: T1 (Control);T2 (Stimulate + Sturdy + Enervig);T3 (Stimulate + Vitakelp + Biozyme);T4 (Tiba + Sturdy + Enervig);T5 (Tiba + Vitakelp + Biozyme);T6 (Brs + Sturdy + Enervig) T7 (Brs + Vitakelp + Biozyme);T8 (Stimulate);T9 (TIBA);T10 (Brs-Brassinoesteroid), each plot consisting of two plants. Biometric and physiological parameters were evaluated for the ministumps, as well as the biometric parameters of the shoots and plant survival. The results showed that there was no influence of the treatments on the biometric parameters of the ministumps. A greater number of orthotopic sprouts were obtained in treatments with the TIBA growth regulator, as well as a greater plant survival of the minicuttings, after 25 days of transplanting in a greenhouse. It was concluded that TIBA treatments influenced the production and quality of clonal minicuttings of C. arabica.
出处 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2018年第4期628-636,共9页 美国植物学期刊(英文)
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