Plantain banana is an important cash crop that serves as stable food for millions of people around the world and contributes to income generation. Indeed, they provide a major staple food crop for millions of people and play an important role in the social fabric of many rural communities. Plantain banana cultivation encounters major problem of seedlings unavailability that are essential for the creation of new plantations, as well as parasitic constraints. Mycosphaerella fijiensis is the main pathogen attack constraints of banana plant responsible of black Sigatoka disease, and viruses, which can severely reduce the photosynthetic leaf area, leading to banana production losses of more than 80% in plantations with soil fertility problems. The repeated use of synthetic input is the origin of contamination to the environment, different pollution sources of plants and human health, as well as resistance to some strains of pathogens and plant fertilization problems over time. Recent works carried out in nursery have shown that vivoplants of plantains treated with biostimulants based on natural products notably Tithonia diversifolia biopromote good growth and less susceptibility to M. fijiensis. Indeed, an increase in agromorphological characteristics, good accumulation of growth and defense biomarkers was also observed. In this context, Tithonia diversifolia is shown to be involved in the stimulatory effect mechanism of growth promotion and defensive reaction of plantain vivoplants against various pathogens and it is suggested to be acting as a vital stimulator. This article reviews the current state of knowledge on plantain banana cultivation constraints and on the potential of Tithonia diversifolia in relation with its different stimulatory effects on plantain vivoplants.
Plantain banana is an important cash crop that serves as stable food for millions of people around the world and contributes to income generation. Indeed, they provide a major staple food crop for millions of people and play an important role in the social fabric of many rural communities. Plantain banana cultivation encounters major problem of seedlings unavailability that are essential for the creation of new plantations, as well as parasitic constraints. Mycosphaerella fijiensis is the main pathogen attack constraints of banana plant responsible of black Sigatoka disease, and viruses, which can severely reduce the photosynthetic leaf area, leading to banana production losses of more than 80% in plantations with soil fertility problems. The repeated use of synthetic input is the origin of contamination to the environment, different pollution sources of plants and human health, as well as resistance to some strains of pathogens and plant fertilization problems over time. Recent works carried out in nursery have shown that vivoplants of plantains treated with biostimulants based on natural products notably Tithonia diversifolia biopromote good growth and less susceptibility to M. fijiensis. Indeed, an increase in agromorphological characteristics, good accumulation of growth and defense biomarkers was also observed. In this context, Tithonia diversifolia is shown to be involved in the stimulatory effect mechanism of growth promotion and defensive reaction of plantain vivoplants against various pathogens and it is suggested to be acting as a vital stimulator. This article reviews the current state of knowledge on plantain banana cultivation constraints and on the potential of Tithonia diversifolia in relation with its different stimulatory effects on plantain vivoplants.
Cécile Annie Ewané
Arouna Meshuneke
Gaston Elock Mbang
Fabrice Damien Wassom
William Asah Che
Glen Takang Beyang
Craftsman Ndula Ndula-Nan
Landry Fotsing Silatsa
Jospin Walter Kom Timma
Marie-Paule Kengoum Djam
Rosine Arckange Barakielle Bindzi Abah
Nicolas Niemenak
Cécile Annie Ewané;Arouna Meshuneke;Gaston Elock Mbang;Fabrice Damien Wassom;William Asah Che;Glen Takang Beyang;Craftsman Ndula Ndula-Nan;Landry Fotsing Silatsa;Jospin Walter Kom Timma;Marie-Paule Kengoum Djam;Rosine Arckange Barakielle Bindzi Abah;Nicolas Niemenak(Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde, Cameroon;Laboratory of Biochemistry and Vegetal Physiology of Higher Teachers Training College, University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde, Cameroon;Laboratory of Phytoprotection and Valorisation of Genetic Resources of The Biotechnology Centre, University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde, Cameroon;Department of Biological Science, Higher Teachers Training College, University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde, Cameroon)