We presented a cardiac work rate for one cycle cardiac based on the area of a Pressure Phase Plane, the velocity of activation and relaxation of the pressure curve, the interval of time and the variation of the pressure measurement on that cycle. We established an algebraic model to the Pressure Phase Plane area with a complete correlation of that model and the laboratory data for normal hypertensive and hypertrophied rat hearts (r = 0.99). We have obtained disjoint intervals for the cardiac work rate of the control group and the hypertrophied rat hearts as a consequence of the application of our algebraic model in those data acquisition.
We presented a cardiac work rate for one cycle cardiac based on the area of a Pressure Phase Plane, the velocity of activation and relaxation of the pressure curve, the interval of time and the variation of the pressure measurement on that cycle. We established an algebraic model to the Pressure Phase Plane area with a complete correlation of that model and the laboratory data for normal hypertensive and hypertrophied rat hearts (r = 0.99). We have obtained disjoint intervals for the cardiac work rate of the control group and the hypertrophied rat hearts as a consequence of the application of our algebraic model in those data acquisition.
supported by a scholarship from CAPES
supported by a grant from the CAPES,PRONEX/FAPES/CNPq
supported by grants from CAPES.