A protected non-structural reef in Сam Ranh Bay in southern Vietnam was surveyed. A high diversity was found among scleractinian and accompanyingmass species of macrobenthos. Thirty- four species were identified only among genera Acropora;it made 80% of the total composition of these Scleractinian on reefs of Vietnam and a quarter of the total abundance of these corals on reefs in the Indo-Pacific. A new species, Favites сamranensis sp. nov, earlier unknown for science, has been found. The vertical bionomic zonality corresponding to zonal distribution of environmental factors on the reef under study is similar to that on reefs of the Siam Bay, different regions of the Pacific and the Caribbean Basin. Expansion of prosperous state of the reef and minimization of anthropogenic influence on some reefs of Vietnam had a positive effect on their state. It is supposed, that the reef at Hon Nai islandis obliged by the prosperity to security measures and minimization of the anthropogenous influence, provided with the decision of government SRV and company “Sanest”.
A protected non-structural reef in Сam Ranh Bay in southern Vietnam was surveyed. A high diversity was found among scleractinian and accompanyingmass species of macrobenthos. Thirty- four species were identified only among genera Acropora;it made 80% of the total composition of these Scleractinian on reefs of Vietnam and a quarter of the total abundance of these corals on reefs in the Indo-Pacific. A new species, Favites сamranensis sp. nov, earlier unknown for science, has been found. The vertical bionomic zonality corresponding to zonal distribution of environmental factors on the reef under study is similar to that on reefs of the Siam Bay, different regions of the Pacific and the Caribbean Basin. Expansion of prosperous state of the reef and minimization of anthropogenic influence on some reefs of Vietnam had a positive effect on their state. It is supposed, that the reef at Hon Nai islandis obliged by the prosperity to security measures and minimization of the anthropogenous influence, provided with the decision of government SRV and company “Sanest”.