
Similar effects of mouse and human <i>pub</i>gene on proliferation and embryoid bodies formation in mouse embryonic stem cells <i>in vitro</i>

Similar effects of mouse and human <i>pub</i>gene on proliferation and embryoid bodies formation in mouse embryonic stem cells <i>in vitro</i>
摘要 Previously we have demonstrated that pub gene modulates expression of PU.1 transcription factor and plays an important role in differentiation of embryonic stem cells not only at early stages (during formation of embryoid bodies), but also during differentiation into ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal derivatives in vitro. We have compared the influence of elevated expression of two homological genes mpub and hpub of mouse and human respectively on early stages of differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells. Overexpression of both genes caused an increase in the number of formed embryoid bodies but did not alter the proliferative activity of transfected embryonic stem cells. It was also observed that expression of mpub and hpub led to decreased expression of pu.1 mRNA. Previously we have demonstrated that pub gene modulates expression of PU.1 transcription factor and plays an important role in differentiation of embryonic stem cells not only at early stages (during formation of embryoid bodies), but also during differentiation into ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal derivatives in vitro. We have compared the influence of elevated expression of two homological genes mpub and hpub of mouse and human respectively on early stages of differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells. Overexpression of both genes caused an increase in the number of formed embryoid bodies but did not alter the proliferative activity of transfected embryonic stem cells. It was also observed that expression of mpub and hpub led to decreased expression of pu.1 mRNA.
出处 《Stem Cell Discovery》 2012年第2期78-83,共6页 干细胞探索(英文)
关键词 EMBRYONIC Stem Cells TRANSFECTION GENE Pub PROLIFERATION Embryonic Stem Cells Transfection Gene Pub Proliferation
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