By derivatography in insoluble pectins Cu2+ (РCu2+) and Pb2+ (РPb2+), the presence of “a high-temperature component” (150°C- 165°C) is established. During potentiometric alkalimetric titration of РCu2+ and РPb2+, endpoints are established at рН accordingly 4.87 and 4.95, proving acid properties of PM. Obtained data show the presence of water in the internal sphere of PM. Considering the loss of this water and the known ratio of metal cations and monomers of pectin (L-), the simplest formulas of pectins are established: [Cu(L-)2(H2O)2], [Pb(L-)2(H2O)4].
By derivatography in insoluble pectins Cu2+ (РCu2+) and Pb2+ (РPb2+), the presence of “a high-temperature component” (150°C- 165°C) is established. During potentiometric alkalimetric titration of РCu2+ and РPb2+, endpoints are established at рН accordingly 4.87 and 4.95, proving acid properties of PM. Obtained data show the presence of water in the internal sphere of PM. Considering the loss of this water and the known ratio of metal cations and monomers of pectin (L-), the simplest formulas of pectins are established: [Cu(L-)2(H2O)2], [Pb(L-)2(H2O)4].