
Natural Radionuclides Content in Granites from Operational Quarry Sites

Natural Radionuclides Content in Granites from Operational Quarry Sites
摘要 Natural radionuclides content in granite from eight functional quarries in Osun State, Southwestern Nigeria was assessed. Eighty granite samples comprise?&frac34?inches.?&frac12?inch and stone-dust were collected from Wolid, Slava, Ayofe, Espro, Ife/Modakeke, Krystal Vountein, Clario and Omidiran quarries in the State. Measurement was done using a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software to determine if granite size has an impact on the activity concentrations. The results revealed that the mean activity concentrations of 238U (12.64 ± 1.89 Bq·kg -1) and 232Th (16.93 ± 2.46 Bq·kg -1) were highest in?&frac34?inch granite and lowest in stone-dust (5.01 ± 0.77 and 8.97 ± 1.37 Bq·kg -1 respectively), whereas 40K is highest in the &frac34?inches (266.19 ± 35.53 Bq·kg -1) and lowest in?&frac12?inches (151.85 ± 25.09 Bq·kg -1) granite. Espro has the highest (23.75 ± 3.74 Bq·kg -1) while Wolid has the lowest (4.11 ± 0.73 Bq·kg -1) 238U activity concentration and Slava has lowest for 232Th (8.21 ± 1.12 Bq·kg -1) and 40K (109.54 ± 11.06 Bq·kg -1). The radiological hazard parameters such as absorbed dose, annual effective dose radium equivalent, gamma index, external index, and internal index, were calculated to assess the radiation hazards associated with granite samples. The results obtained are lower than the recommended limits. The results were compared with the published data of other countries. Although, all the calculated radiation hazard indices were lower than the permissible limits. Therefore, people working in the quarries, granite end-users and the general public are safe from radiological health risks from the quarries, since there is no significant health hazard. The research will give reliable information on activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in granite rocks, contribute to a better understanding of radioactivity distribution in granite, and develop standards. Natural radionuclides content in granite from eight functional quarries in Osun State, Southwestern Nigeria was assessed. Eighty granite samples comprise?&frac34?inches.?&frac12?inch and stone-dust were collected from Wolid, Slava, Ayofe, Espro, Ife/Modakeke, Krystal Vountein, Clario and Omidiran quarries in the State. Measurement was done using a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software to determine if granite size has an impact on the activity concentrations. The results revealed that the mean activity concentrations of 238U (12.64 ± 1.89 Bq·kg -1) and 232Th (16.93 ± 2.46 Bq·kg -1) were highest in?&frac34?inch granite and lowest in stone-dust (5.01 ± 0.77 and 8.97 ± 1.37 Bq·kg -1 respectively), whereas 40K is highest in the &frac34?inches (266.19 ± 35.53 Bq·kg -1) and lowest in?&frac12?inches (151.85 ± 25.09 Bq·kg -1) granite. Espro has the highest (23.75 ± 3.74 Bq·kg -1) while Wolid has the lowest (4.11 ± 0.73 Bq·kg -1) 238U activity concentration and Slava has lowest for 232Th (8.21 ± 1.12 Bq·kg -1) and 40K (109.54 ± 11.06 Bq·kg -1). The radiological hazard parameters such as absorbed dose, annual effective dose radium equivalent, gamma index, external index, and internal index, were calculated to assess the radiation hazards associated with granite samples. The results obtained are lower than the recommended limits. The results were compared with the published data of other countries. Although, all the calculated radiation hazard indices were lower than the permissible limits. Therefore, people working in the quarries, granite end-users and the general public are safe from radiological health risks from the quarries, since there is no significant health hazard. The research will give reliable information on activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in granite rocks, contribute to a better understanding of radioactivity distribution in granite, and develop standards.
机构地区 Department of Physics
出处 《Detection》 2019年第1期1-15,共15页 检测(英文)
关键词 Activity Concentration Radionuclides GRANITE QUARRIES RADIOLOGICAL Parameters Activity Concentration Radionuclides Granite Quarries Radiological Parameters
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