We calculate the core-hole spectral density in a pristine graphene, where the density of states of itinerant electrons goes linearly to zero at the Fermi level. We consider explicitly two models of electron-hole interaction. In the unscreened Coulomb interaction model, the spectral density is similar to that in metal (for local interaction). Thus there is no δ-function singularity in the core-hole spectral density. In the local interaction model, the δ-function singularity survives, but the interaction leads to the appearance of the background in the spectral density.
We calculate the core-hole spectral density in a pristine graphene, where the density of states of itinerant electrons goes linearly to zero at the Fermi level. We consider explicitly two models of electron-hole interaction. In the unscreened Coulomb interaction model, the spectral density is similar to that in metal (for local interaction). Thus there is no δ-function singularity in the core-hole spectral density. In the local interaction model, the δ-function singularity survives, but the interaction leads to the appearance of the background in the spectral density.