Alternating bending shear stresses lead to the formation of twin orientations in the texture of FCC materials with middle and low stacking fault energy (SFE). Only in the stainless steel with a low SFE during alternating bending with different number of cycles components of shear texture {111};{hkl};{001} were formed. Copper (middle SFE), along with orientations of twinning and cubic texture formed orientation of deformation {135}. During alternating bending of aluminum (high SFE), a dynamic recovery occurred. The share of initial cubic texture increases with the increase of number of cycles of alternating bending and reaches its maximum after three cycles. Share of component of texture Goss increased slightly. The most significant change of the microstructure and texture occurred during the first 3 - 5
Alternating bending shear stresses lead to the formation of twin orientations in the texture of FCC materials with middle and low stacking fault energy (SFE). Only in the stainless steel with a low SFE during alternating bending with different number of cycles components of shear texture {111};{hkl};{001} were formed. Copper (middle SFE), along with orientations of twinning and cubic texture formed orientation of deformation {135}. During alternating bending of aluminum (high SFE), a dynamic recovery occurred. The share of initial cubic texture increases with the increase of number of cycles of alternating bending and reaches its maximum after three cycles. Share of component of texture Goss increased slightly. The most significant change of the microstructure and texture occurred during the first 3 - 5 cycles