Trichilia catigua is a Brazilian native species known as "catuaba”. This study investigated the chromatographic features hydroalcoholic extracts that were obtained by different techniques, from barks and leaves. The chromatographic analysis has demonstrated the presence of chlorogenic acid, epicathechin and cathechin, as well as the presence of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol in both analyzed plant parts. The best results were those when it was used turbo-extraction, extraction using Soxhlet apparatus and ethanol 50%.
Trichilia catigua is a Brazilian native species known as "catuaba”. This study investigated the chromatographic features hydroalcoholic extracts that were obtained by different techniques, from barks and leaves. The chromatographic analysis has demonstrated the presence of chlorogenic acid, epicathechin and cathechin, as well as the presence of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol in both analyzed plant parts. The best results were those when it was used turbo-extraction, extraction using Soxhlet apparatus and ethanol 50%.
Authors would like to thank to“Laboratório Catarinense SA”for the financial support in the achievement of this study.