One of the main problems in the flow-through gas purification technologies is related with continuous control of the outlet gas purity. The information concerning purity of the produced gas is on high demand, e.g., for processing systems integrated with gas purifiers. The positive solution of this problem has become possible only now due to the appearance of reactive getters (reactants) that serve as highly efficient sinks for gas impurities and our sorption model of the processes, which take place in gas purifiers with these reactants. According to the given model the appearance of a single valued functional connection between the purity of the gas product and the duration of the treatment of the gas flow by the sorbing powder is typical for any system Me -Y, where Me is a powder reactant and Y is an impurity gas. This strict correlation provides the mathematical justification to a simple method of determining the concentration of the impurity in the gas flow at the exit from the gas purifier. This method comes down to measuring of the quantity of the purified gas by a gas flow meter, the readings of which are graduated in the units of gas concentration.
One of the main problems in the flow-through gas purification technologies is related with continuous control of the outlet gas purity. The information concerning purity of the produced gas is on high demand, e.g., for processing systems integrated with gas purifiers. The positive solution of this problem has become possible only now due to the appearance of reactive getters (reactants) that serve as highly efficient sinks for gas impurities and our sorption model of the processes, which take place in gas purifiers with these reactants. According to the given model the appearance of a single valued functional connection between the purity of the gas product and the duration of the treatment of the gas flow by the sorbing powder is typical for any system Me -Y, where Me is a powder reactant and Y is an impurity gas. This strict correlation provides the mathematical justification to a simple method of determining the concentration of the impurity in the gas flow at the exit from the gas purifier. This method comes down to measuring of the quantity of the purified gas by a gas flow meter, the readings of which are graduated in the units of gas concentration.