
Research Progress of Additive Manufacturing Technology in Energetic Material Field at Home and Abroad

Research Progress of Additive Manufacturing Technology in Energetic Material Field at Home and Abroad
摘要 As a subversive manufacturing technology, additive manufacturing technology has many technical advantages such as high freedom of design and not limited by complex structure of parts. The application of additive manufacturing technology to the charge molding of energetic materials will subvert the traditional manufacturing concept of energetic materials, realize the advanced charge design concept, shorten the research and development time of weapons and equipment, and improve the comprehensive performance of weapons and equipment, which is of great significance for the rapid development of high-tech weapons and equipment. This paper analyzes the research progress of additive manufacturing technology in the field of energetic materials at home and abroad and puts forward some suggestions for future research of this technology. . As a subversive manufacturing technology, additive manufacturing technology has many technical advantages such as high freedom of design and not limited by complex structure of parts. The application of additive manufacturing technology to the charge molding of energetic materials will subvert the traditional manufacturing concept of energetic materials, realize the advanced charge design concept, shorten the research and development time of weapons and equipment, and improve the comprehensive performance of weapons and equipment, which is of great significance for the rapid development of high-tech weapons and equipment. This paper analyzes the research progress of additive manufacturing technology in the field of energetic materials at home and abroad and puts forward some suggestions for future research of this technology. .
作者 Runpeng Jiang Runpeng Jiang(Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China)
出处 《Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering》 2024年第3期51-59,共9页 材料科学与化学工程(英文)
关键词 Additive Manufacturing Technology Energetic Material Research Progress Additive Manufacturing Technology Energetic Material Research Progress
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