
Nitriding of Medium Carbon Ferromanganese Alloy in Gas Solid Reaction

Nitriding of Medium Carbon Ferromanganese Alloy in Gas Solid Reaction
摘要 Nitriding process of medium carbon ferromanganese was carried out in the solid state, on lab and bench scale at temperature range 1023-1323 K using different nitrogen and hydrogen pressures. The influence of H2/N2 gas ratio, temperature and time on nitriding process of fine (-2 mm) medium carbon ferromanganese were investigated. Nitrogen content, in weight percent ranging from 2.1 to 9.7 could be obtained. The optimum temperature and time of nitriding process was found to be 1223 K and 21.6 ks respectively. The results showed that nitrogen content is mainly depending on time and temperature of nitriding process. The comparison between results of lab and bench scale, at optimum conditions, showed good coincidence. At optimum conditions;1223 K, 21.6 ks and at 2/8 of H2/N2, nitrogen content of fine medium carbon ferromanganese was 9.5%. Nitriding process of medium carbon ferromanganese was carried out in the solid state, on lab and bench scale at temperature range 1023-1323 K using different nitrogen and hydrogen pressures. The influence of H2/N2 gas ratio, temperature and time on nitriding process of fine (-2 mm) medium carbon ferromanganese were investigated. Nitrogen content, in weight percent ranging from 2.1 to 9.7 could be obtained. The optimum temperature and time of nitriding process was found to be 1223 K and 21.6 ks respectively. The results showed that nitrogen content is mainly depending on time and temperature of nitriding process. The comparison between results of lab and bench scale, at optimum conditions, showed good coincidence. At optimum conditions;1223 K, 21.6 ks and at 2/8 of H2/N2, nitrogen content of fine medium carbon ferromanganese was 9.5%.
出处 《Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering》 2011年第4期315-322,共8页 矿物质和材料特性和工程(英文)
关键词 NITRIDING Gas SOLID REACTION Nitriding Gas Solid Reaction
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