The strong global demand for iron and steel has necessitated the utilization of various low grade iron ores, which are not suitable for direct utilization in ironmaking processes. The low grade iron ores cannot be dressed effectively using the traditional mineral processing methods because of complicated min-eral compositions. The main problem associated with exploiting these deposits is the dissemination of fine silicate minerals and the high level of phosphorus content due to the poor liberation of iron minerals from the gangues. The pre-sent manuscript is aimed to investigate reduction properties of iron ores rich in phosphorous in order to study the suitability of using these ores in iron blast furnace. Representative technological samples of iron ore are collected from Eastern South Aswan iron ore mine in Egypt. The principal gangue contents are SiO2 7.76%, and P2O5 1.13%. Iron and phosphorus exist in the form of hematite 78% and apatite respectively. The ore was fired at 1000°C for 3 hours. The green and fired samples were isothermally reduced at conditions which closely represent the theoretical reduction conditions in different zones of blast furnace. The influence of reduction conditions on the reduction behaviour and the morphology of the reduced samples were investigated. After reduction apatite is changed to Calcium phosphate beside fayalite and quartz. The reduction rate of fired samples is greater than that for the green ones and that was confirmed by morphological examination. At cohesive zone condition, the effect of firing on reduction characteristics cannot be distinguished.
The strong global demand for iron and steel has necessitated the utilization of various low grade iron ores, which are not suitable for direct utilization in ironmaking processes. The low grade iron ores cannot be dressed effectively using the traditional mineral processing methods because of complicated min-eral compositions. The main problem associated with exploiting these deposits is the dissemination of fine silicate minerals and the high level of phosphorus content due to the poor liberation of iron minerals from the gangues. The pre-sent manuscript is aimed to investigate reduction properties of iron ores rich in phosphorous in order to study the suitability of using these ores in iron blast furnace. Representative technological samples of iron ore are collected from Eastern South Aswan iron ore mine in Egypt. The principal gangue contents are SiO2 7.76%, and P2O5 1.13%. Iron and phosphorus exist in the form of hematite 78% and apatite respectively. The ore was fired at 1000°C for 3 hours. The green and fired samples were isothermally reduced at conditions which closely represent the theoretical reduction conditions in different zones of blast furnace. The influence of reduction conditions on the reduction behaviour and the morphology of the reduced samples were investigated. After reduction apatite is changed to Calcium phosphate beside fayalite and quartz. The reduction rate of fired samples is greater than that for the green ones and that was confirmed by morphological examination. At cohesive zone condition, the effect of firing on reduction characteristics cannot be distinguished.