The quest for an internal state variable constitutive model describing metal deformation is reviewed. First, analogy is drawn between a deformation model and the Ideal Gas Law. The use of strain as a variable in deformation models is discussed, and whether strain serves as an internal state variable is considered. A simple experiment that demonstrated path dependence in copper is described. The importance of defining appropriate internal state variables for a constitutive law relates to the ability to accurately model temperature and strain-rate dependencies in deformation simulations.
The quest for an internal state variable constitutive model describing metal deformation is reviewed. First, analogy is drawn between a deformation model and the Ideal Gas Law. The use of strain as a variable in deformation models is discussed, and whether strain serves as an internal state variable is considered. A simple experiment that demonstrated path dependence in copper is described. The importance of defining appropriate internal state variables for a constitutive law relates to the ability to accurately model temperature and strain-rate dependencies in deformation simulations.