
Formation of Eutectic Carbides in the Structure of High-Purity White Cast Iron in the Forging Process 被引量:1

Formation of Eutectic Carbides in the Structure of High-Purity White Cast Iron in the Forging Process
摘要 It is found that the deformation of white cast iron under forging production is only possible with a minimum number of permanent impurities. The developed modes of high-temperature intermediate annealing facilitate the deformation of the forging under normal production conditions. It is shown that in the process of isothermal annealing of white cast iron begins the process of disintegration of ledeburite in the more stable eutectic carbides, providing technological plasticity for subsequent forging. The installed influence of the purity of white cast iron on the morphology of the excess carbides and their ability to divide. Studies the morphology of the excess eutectic carbides after melting, pre-annealing and after deformation forging. Discovered that after severe plastic deformation the structure of white cast iron becomes more stable, due to the appearance of eutectic carbides. It was determined that the deformed structure of white iron, because of its lack ledeburite component, was more identical with the structure of the alloy ledeburite steels. The data obtained can be used for making Damascus bladed weapons products, experiencing shock-variables loads. It is found that the deformation of white cast iron under forging production is only possible with a minimum number of permanent impurities. The developed modes of high-temperature intermediate annealing facilitate the deformation of the forging under normal production conditions. It is shown that in the process of isothermal annealing of white cast iron begins the process of disintegration of ledeburite in the more stable eutectic carbides, providing technological plasticity for subsequent forging. The installed influence of the purity of white cast iron on the morphology of the excess carbides and their ability to divide. Studies the morphology of the excess eutectic carbides after melting, pre-annealing and after deformation forging. Discovered that after severe plastic deformation the structure of white cast iron becomes more stable, due to the appearance of eutectic carbides. It was determined that the deformed structure of white iron, because of its lack ledeburite component, was more identical with the structure of the alloy ledeburite steels. The data obtained can be used for making Damascus bladed weapons products, experiencing shock-variables loads.
出处 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2017年第5期351-360,共10页 材料科学与应用期刊(英文)
关键词 WHITE CAST IRON Damascus STEEL Wootz Ledeburitic STEEL White Cast Iron Damascus steel Wootz Ledeburitic Steel
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