
Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Lotus-Type Porous Metals

Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Lotus-Type Porous Metals
摘要 Lotus-type porous metals are fabricated by directional solidification of molten metals dissolving hydrogen. Unidirectional pores cause various anisotropic features of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Tensile, compressive and fatigue strength parallel to the pore direction are higher than those perpendicular to the pore direction. Besides, thermal and electrical conductivities parallel to the pore direction are higher than those perpendicular to the pore direction. Such anisotropy is attributed to the difference in the pinning cross-sectional area due to the dislocations and the scattering cross-sectional area due to electrons. The pore cross-sectional area perpendicular to the pore direction is much larger than that parallel to the pore direction. It is surmised that such difference in pore cross-section results in the anisotropy in mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Lotus-type porous metals are fabricated by directional solidification of molten metals dissolving hydrogen. Unidirectional pores cause various anisotropic features of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Tensile, compressive and fatigue strength parallel to the pore direction are higher than those perpendicular to the pore direction. Besides, thermal and electrical conductivities parallel to the pore direction are higher than those perpendicular to the pore direction. Such anisotropy is attributed to the difference in the pinning cross-sectional area due to the dislocations and the scattering cross-sectional area due to electrons. The pore cross-sectional area perpendicular to the pore direction is much larger than that parallel to the pore direction. It is surmised that such difference in pore cross-section results in the anisotropy in mechanical, thermal and electrical properties.
出处 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2018年第2期258-267,共10页 材料科学与应用期刊(英文)
关键词 LOTUS METALS Porous METALS MECHANICAL Properties Thermal CONDUCTIVITY Electrical CONDUCTIVITY SOLIDIFICATION POROSITY Hydrogen Lotus Metals Porous Metals Mechanical Properties Thermal Conductivity Electrical Conductivity Solidification Porosity Hydrogen
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