
Study the Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Optical Energy Gap of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Based Ferrotitanium Alloy Film: Its Possible Use in Radiation Dosimetry

Study the Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Optical Energy Gap of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Based Ferrotitanium Alloy Film: Its Possible Use in Radiation Dosimetry
摘要 Ferrotitanium alloy polymer films, prepared by a simple technique of casting aqueous solutions of poly(vinyl alcohol) PVA containing ferrotitanium alloy on a horizontal glass plate, are useful as routine high-dose dosimeters. These flexible plastic film dosimeters have pale yellow color, are bleached when exposed to gamma rays. The chemical composition of alloy was determined by EDX, and structure of alloy was determined by XRD. The response of these dosimeters depends on the concentration of alloy. The energy band gap Eg was calculated and the effect of gamma radiation on its value was determined. The optical absorption spectra showed that the absorption mechanism is an indirect allowed transition which found that energy band gap Eg decreases after irradiation. The response of these films has negligible humidity effects on the range of relative humidity from 0 to 100%. And also, it exhibits good preand post-irradiation stability in dark and light. Ferrotitanium alloy polymer films, prepared by a simple technique of casting aqueous solutions of poly(vinyl alcohol) PVA containing ferrotitanium alloy on a horizontal glass plate, are useful as routine high-dose dosimeters. These flexible plastic film dosimeters have pale yellow color, are bleached when exposed to gamma rays. The chemical composition of alloy was determined by EDX, and structure of alloy was determined by XRD. The response of these dosimeters depends on the concentration of alloy. The energy band gap Eg was calculated and the effect of gamma radiation on its value was determined. The optical absorption spectra showed that the absorption mechanism is an indirect allowed transition which found that energy band gap Eg decreases after irradiation. The response of these films has negligible humidity effects on the range of relative humidity from 0 to 100%. And also, it exhibits good preand post-irradiation stability in dark and light.
机构地区 Dosimetry Department
出处 《Open Journal of Polymer Chemistry》 2014年第2期21-30,共10页 高分子化学期刊(英文)
关键词 Polymer FERROTITANIUM Alloy GAMMA IRRADIATION Optical BAND GAP Polymer Ferrotitanium Alloy Gamma Irradiation Optical Band Gap
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