One of the main uses of the cone penetration test (CPT) is to determinate the underground stratigraphy identifying the soils types present. Diverse researchers intended to identify the soils in function of results of CPT by means of the use of classification graphics based on empiric correlations. Also, they stand out the necessity to continue getting into these studies and they emphasize that local experiences could differ from the studies carried out. The experience in the NEA region of our country regarding the use of the CPT is recent;it was incorporated by the middle of the 90s. However, its continuous and systematic use in geotechnical studies makes that today it has a big database enough to verify the application of international correlations to the soils of the region. The objective of the work consists of verifying the application of the method of identification of soils to the sedimentary soils of the NEA, by means of the analysis of tests of CPT made in different points of the states of Chaco and Corrientes. The results of the study reveal that a good agreement exists among the stratigraphy obtained from CPT tests and those obtained by traditional methods. Although the analyzed universe of data is not of great magnitude and it should be enlarged, it is concluded in a preliminary way that for the soils of the region a good correlation exists between the classification chart with base in CPT and the traditional Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).
One of the main uses of the cone penetration test (CPT) is to determinate the underground stratigraphy identifying the soils types present. Diverse researchers intended to identify the soils in function of results of CPT by means of the use of classification graphics based on empiric correlations. Also, they stand out the necessity to continue getting into these studies and they emphasize that local experiences could differ from the studies carried out. The experience in the NEA region of our country regarding the use of the CPT is recent;it was incorporated by the middle of the 90s. However, its continuous and systematic use in geotechnical studies makes that today it has a big database enough to verify the application of international correlations to the soils of the region. The objective of the work consists of verifying the application of the method of identification of soils to the sedimentary soils of the NEA, by means of the analysis of tests of CPT made in different points of the states of Chaco and Corrientes. The results of the study reveal that a good agreement exists among the stratigraphy obtained from CPT tests and those obtained by traditional methods. Although the analyzed universe of data is not of great magnitude and it should be enlarged, it is concluded in a preliminary way that for the soils of the region a good correlation exists between the classification chart with base in CPT and the traditional Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).