
Mapping of Malaria Risk Related to Climatic and Environmental Factors by Multicriteria Analysis in the MarahouéRegion of Côte d’Ivoire

Mapping of Malaria Risk Related to Climatic and Environmental Factors by Multicriteria Analysis in the MarahouéRegion of Côte d’Ivoire
摘要 Malaria, a febrile human disease transmitted by female anopheles whose ecology is linked to water, is a major public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire, more precisely in the Marahoué region located in the southwest of the country. In order to effectively control this disease, it is necessary to understand the etiology and the diffusion pattern of the vectors. This justifies this study, which proposes to determine the areas at risk of malaria transmission in order to carry out an effective fight against this disease in this region of Côte d’Ivoire. To achieve this, a combined approach of geographic information systems and multicriteria analysis was adopted. The analysis reveals that the south and northwest of the Marahoué region present a high risk for malaria transmission. This risk is linked to indicators such as climatic factors that cover 48.36% of the study area, environmental factors such as vegetation cover (NDVI), soil moisture (NDWI), altitude, hydrography (water point) and population that covers 55.29% of the area and land use. Also, the results indicated that 50.70% of the region has favorable conditions for malaria transmission. Overall, climatic and environmental indicators are the risk factors associated with the resurgence of malaria. Malaria, a febrile human disease transmitted by female anopheles whose ecology is linked to water, is a major public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire, more precisely in the Marahoué region located in the southwest of the country. In order to effectively control this disease, it is necessary to understand the etiology and the diffusion pattern of the vectors. This justifies this study, which proposes to determine the areas at risk of malaria transmission in order to carry out an effective fight against this disease in this region of Côte d’Ivoire. To achieve this, a combined approach of geographic information systems and multicriteria analysis was adopted. The analysis reveals that the south and northwest of the Marahoué region present a high risk for malaria transmission. This risk is linked to indicators such as climatic factors that cover 48.36% of the study area, environmental factors such as vegetation cover (NDVI), soil moisture (NDWI), altitude, hydrography (water point) and population that covers 55.29% of the area and land use. Also, the results indicated that 50.70% of the region has favorable conditions for malaria transmission. Overall, climatic and environmental indicators are the risk factors associated with the resurgence of malaria.
作者 Assikohon Pulchérie Gouzile Martial Bama Bi Yourou Guillaume Zamina Ellélé Aimé Yapi Gneneyougo Emile Soro Bi Tie Albert Goula Tiembré Issiaka Assikohon Pulchérie Gouzile;Martial Bama;Bi Yourou Guillaume Zamina;Ellélé Aimé Yapi;Gneneyougo Emile Soro;Bi Tie Albert Goula;Tiembré Issiaka(National Institute of Public Hygiene, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire;Félix Houphouët Boigny University, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire;Nangui-Abrogoua University, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)
出处 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2022年第6期234-252,共19页 地球科学和环境保护期刊(英文)
关键词 MAPPING Palustrum Multicriteria Analysis Marahoué Ivory Coast Mapping Palustrum Multicriteria Analysis Marahoué Ivory Coast
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