
Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal by Saturated Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands (SVCWs) Type Micro-Pilot Using Shale from Ivory Coast as a Substrate

Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal by Saturated Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands (SVCWs) Type Micro-Pilot Using Shale from Ivory Coast as a Substrate
摘要 This study evaluates the performance of shale from Ivory Coast used as substrate in vertical-flow constructed wetlands in removal of phosphates and nitrogen. The pilot-scale artificial wetland has been duplicated: filter planted with Panicum maximun and unplanted. They were set up outdoors, and fed with a municipal wastewater. The wetlands have been fed with three batches per week (intermittent) over a period of 3 months. During the operation period, the hydraulic residence time (HRT) 52 h was used, while wastewater temperatures varied from about ~33&#176;C. The removal performance of the constructed wetland units was very good, since it reached on an average 98%, 89.4%, 89.4%, 84%, 80%, 84.8% and 92% for TSS, DOC, BOD<sub>5</sub>, , TKN, TP and respectively. In addition, the vegetation did not demonstrate superior performance to unplanted controls. Therefore, this study focuses on the role of shale in the phosphorus and nitrogen removal from wastewater by constructed wetland. This study evaluates the performance of shale from Ivory Coast used as substrate in vertical-flow constructed wetlands in removal of phosphates and nitrogen. The pilot-scale artificial wetland has been duplicated: filter planted with Panicum maximun and unplanted. They were set up outdoors, and fed with a municipal wastewater. The wetlands have been fed with three batches per week (intermittent) over a period of 3 months. During the operation period, the hydraulic residence time (HRT) 52 h was used, while wastewater temperatures varied from about ~33&#176;C. The removal performance of the constructed wetland units was very good, since it reached on an average 98%, 89.4%, 89.4%, 84%, 80%, 84.8% and 92% for TSS, DOC, BOD<sub>5</sub>, , TKN, TP and respectively. In addition, the vegetation did not demonstrate superior performance to unplanted controls. Therefore, this study focuses on the role of shale in the phosphorus and nitrogen removal from wastewater by constructed wetland.
作者 Dan Eude Kpannieu Norbert Kouakou Kouadio N’Dri Séraphin Konan Coulibaly Nagnonta Hippolyte Martine Mallet Lacina Coulibaly Christian Ruby Dan Eude Kpannieu;Norbert Kouakou Kouadio;N’Dri Séraphin Konan;Coulibaly Nagnonta Hippolyte;Martine Mallet;Lacina Coulibaly;Christian Ruby(Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie Pour les Materiaux et L’environnement, LCPME, UMR 7564 CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Villers-lès-Nancy, France;UFR Ingénierie Agronomique Forestière et Environnement, Université de Man BP 20, Man, C&#244;te d’Ivoire;UFR Sciences et Technologies, Université de Man BP 20, Man, C&#244;te d’Ivoire;Laboratoire D’environnement et Biologie Aquatique, Université Nangui-Abrogoua, Abidjan, C&#244;te d’Ivoire)
出处 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2022年第8期24-38,共15页 地球科学和环境保护期刊(英文)
关键词 Constructed Wetlands Vertical Flow SHALE Panicum maximun Phosphorus Removal NITROGEN Constructed Wetlands Vertical Flow Shale Panicum maximun Phosphorus Removal Nitrogen
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