The exploitation of groundwater by drilling in the Mitendi South-East district constitutes a solution to the water shortage in this peripheral part of the Mont-Ngafula township in Kinshasa, the capital of the DR Congo. Individuals exploit groundwater in boreholes to serve the population without taking into account certain necessary aspects such as the origin of the groundwater table and the quality which constitute the major problems of this work such as: What is the quantity of water from the recharge of our aquifer? What is the state of the Mitendi South-East aquifer water in relation to some physico-chemical parameters? The cardinal objective of this work is to provide chemical data and trace elements in each analyzed borehole and determine the type of recharge of the underground aquifer. The specific objectives are as follows: analyze the potability of groundwater on a physico-chemical level and their chemical facies, take the geographical coordinates of water samples from the aquifer in each targeted borehole in order to develop the sampling map of the area under study;also check each parameter analyzed in relation to WHO standards. We carried out a general investigation of the study area by carrying out observations, sampling and in-situ measurements of each borehole, as well as the good conservation of the samples taken in a cooler. The various measurements that we took in-situ: pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, salinity, temperature, and TDS were carried out by using a multi-parameter probe in the laboratory of appropriate methods such as titled-sorting, spectrophotometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, ArcGise and Excel software. With regard to the results from laboratory analysis (physical and chemical analysis), the parameters showed that the standards recommended by the WHO were not respected. We affirm that the water consumed in the Mitendi South-East district in Mont-Ngafula town ship is not drinkable. Since, it can cause several water-borne diseases. It would be better to treat that water before being drunk. .
The exploitation of groundwater by drilling in the Mitendi South-East district constitutes a solution to the water shortage in this peripheral part of the Mont-Ngafula township in Kinshasa, the capital of the DR Congo. Individuals exploit groundwater in boreholes to serve the population without taking into account certain necessary aspects such as the origin of the groundwater table and the quality which constitute the major problems of this work such as: What is the quantity of water from the recharge of our aquifer? What is the state of the Mitendi South-East aquifer water in relation to some physico-chemical parameters? The cardinal objective of this work is to provide chemical data and trace elements in each analyzed borehole and determine the type of recharge of the underground aquifer. The specific objectives are as follows: analyze the potability of groundwater on a physico-chemical level and their chemical facies, take the geographical coordinates of water samples from the aquifer in each targeted borehole in order to develop the sampling map of the area under study;also check each parameter analyzed in relation to WHO standards. We carried out a general investigation of the study area by carrying out observations, sampling and in-situ measurements of each borehole, as well as the good conservation of the samples taken in a cooler. The various measurements that we took in-situ: pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, salinity, temperature, and TDS were carried out by using a multi-parameter probe in the laboratory of appropriate methods such as titled-sorting, spectrophotometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, ArcGise and Excel software. With regard to the results from laboratory analysis (physical and chemical analysis), the parameters showed that the standards recommended by the WHO were not respected. We affirm that the water consumed in the Mitendi South-East district in Mont-Ngafula town ship is not drinkable. Since, it can cause several water-borne diseases. It would be better to treat that water before being drunk. .
Jonathan Mayi Nkolomonyi
Ivon Ndala Tshiwisa
Hervé Khonde Mbumba
Samuel Ingila Asanga
Clement N’zau Umba-Di-Mbudi
Jonathan Mayi Nkolomonyi;Ivon Ndala Tshiwisa;Hervé Khonde Mbumba;Samuel Ingila Asanga;Clement N’zau Umba-Di-Mbudi(Geo-Hydro-Energy-Research Group, Geosciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo;Geosciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo;Polytechnic Faculty, President Joseph Kasa-Vubu University, Boma, Democratic Republic of Congo)