
Study on Correlation of Tidal Forces with Global Great Earthquakes

Study on Correlation of Tidal Forces with Global Great Earthquakes
摘要 The correlation between the celestial tidal forces and earthquakes has been a controversial problem, although its research history is very long. This paper analyzes the relation between the tidal forces and all the earthquakes of magnitudes no less than 7.0 which occurred in the entire world from year 1900.0 to 2000.0 by calculating tidal forces and the run tests which yields the runs of earthquakes near the extreme and non-extreme values of the tidal forces. It is shown that the occurrence of an earthquake is relevant to the tidal forces. From the analysis of the relation between the ecliptic longitudes of the lunar ascending node and the seismic activities of the principal seismic belts and regions in the world, it is also shown that the lunar node tide is possibly one of the important astronomical contributing factors of the seismic activities there. The results enrich and support the relevant study of the relation between celestial tidal forces and earthquakes. The correlation between the celestial tidal forces and earthquakes has been a controversial problem, although its research history is very long. This paper analyzes the relation between the tidal forces and all the earthquakes of magnitudes no less than 7.0 which occurred in the entire world from year 1900.0 to 2000.0 by calculating tidal forces and the run tests which yields the runs of earthquakes near the extreme and non-extreme values of the tidal forces. It is shown that the occurrence of an earthquake is relevant to the tidal forces. From the analysis of the relation between the ecliptic longitudes of the lunar ascending node and the seismic activities of the principal seismic belts and regions in the world, it is also shown that the lunar node tide is possibly one of the important astronomical contributing factors of the seismic activities there. The results enrich and support the relevant study of the relation between celestial tidal forces and earthquakes.
出处 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2012年第2期373-378,共6页 地球科学国际期刊(英文)
关键词 TIDAL Force EARTHQUAKE RUN Test SEISMIC BELT Tidal Force Earthquake Run Test Seismic Belt
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