The organic matter distribution and hydrocarbon generation potential as well as element distribution in the lacustrine mudstones of lower Member 3 of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying depression, eastern China were investigated using methods of Rock-Eval pyrolysis, inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer. The results show that most of the samples are high-quality source rocks with high TOC and?S2, and the oil shale samples are excellent source rocks with the TOC and?S2?greater than 5.0% and 20.0 mg/g, respectively. A freshwater depositional?environment in the deep lake for the mudstones was indicated by lower values of biomarker?ratios gammacerane/C30?Hopane and C35Hopane/C34?Hopane. With the lacustrine regression, the ratios Ca/U, Ca/Ba, Ca/Mg, Ca/B, Ca/Li, Ca/Sr and Sr/Ba decrease, while Fe/(Ca + Mg) increases. In the section 3330 - 3370 m with enrichment of oil shale, the organic matter and inorganic elements present strong fluctuation. The quantitative relations among U, U/Th and TOC,?S2, %Ca are divided into two parts at boundary values of 7.0%, 32 mg/g and 11% for TOC,?S2?and %Ca, respectively.
The organic matter distribution and hydrocarbon generation potential as well as element distribution in the lacustrine mudstones of lower Member 3 of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying depression, eastern China were investigated using methods of Rock-Eval pyrolysis, inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer. The results show that most of the samples are high-quality source rocks with high TOC and?S2, and the oil shale samples are excellent source rocks with the TOC and?S2?greater than 5.0% and 20.0 mg/g, respectively. A freshwater depositional?environment in the deep lake for the mudstones was indicated by lower values of biomarker?ratios gammacerane/C30?Hopane and C35Hopane/C34?Hopane. With the lacustrine regression, the ratios Ca/U, Ca/Ba, Ca/Mg, Ca/B, Ca/Li, Ca/Sr and Sr/Ba decrease, while Fe/(Ca + Mg) increases. In the section 3330 - 3370 m with enrichment of oil shale, the organic matter and inorganic elements present strong fluctuation. The quantitative relations among U, U/Th and TOC,?S2, %Ca are divided into two parts at boundary values of 7.0%, 32 mg/g and 11% for TOC,?S2?and %Ca, respectively.