
Dust as a Potential Tracer for the Flow over Different Topographical Shapes Employing MODIS-Terra Observations

Dust as a Potential Tracer for the Flow over Different Topographical Shapes Employing MODIS-Terra Observations
摘要 The hypothesis, that the magnitude of the Froude number can represent the flow type around an obstacle was examined at several different topographical shapes in dust-laden environments. It was found that in most cases this hypothesis was true. Average of 16 May months AOT data extracted from the MODIS Terra satellite has shown that in case of Froude number less than one, the AOT isolines tend to follow the topographical contours of the mountain peak (the obstacle) along with a minimum AOT near the peak. The hypothesis, that the magnitude of the Froude number can represent the flow type around an obstacle was examined at several different topographical shapes in dust-laden environments. It was found that in most cases this hypothesis was true. Average of 16 May months AOT data extracted from the MODIS Terra satellite has shown that in case of Froude number less than one, the AOT isolines tend to follow the topographical contours of the mountain peak (the obstacle) along with a minimum AOT near the peak.
机构地区 Dept. Geophysics
出处 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2018年第7期428-434,共7页 地球科学国际期刊(英文)
关键词 Froude Number DUST MODIS Topographical Obstacles Froude Number Dust MODIS Topographical Obstacles
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