
Biofiltration of Nitrous Oxide Using Cow-Manure Based Compost as Medium Filter

Biofiltration of Nitrous Oxide Using Cow-Manure Based Compost as Medium Filter
摘要 Nitrous oxide (N2O) gas is a fourth contributor in the greenhouse effect after CO2, CH4, and water vapor. Although its concentration is relatively low, but very difficult to be decomposed in the atmosphere. A laboratory-scale biofilter was used to evaluate the effects of flow rate, medium depth, and water content of filter medium on the N2O removal efficiency and the growth of microorganisms in the compost. The biofilter was operated using cow-manure based compost medium with husk and coco peat as bulking agent. Research was carried out by batch flow system for 9 hours. The result indicates that the highest N2O removal efficiency is obtained under flow rate of 88 cm3/min with a depth of 50 cm and water content 50% (w/w) by 61%, and elimination capacity for 14078 g/(m3·h) was achieved. Nitrous oxide (N2O) gas is a fourth contributor in the greenhouse effect after CO2, CH4, and water vapor. Although its concentration is relatively low, but very difficult to be decomposed in the atmosphere. A laboratory-scale biofilter was used to evaluate the effects of flow rate, medium depth, and water content of filter medium on the N2O removal efficiency and the growth of microorganisms in the compost. The biofilter was operated using cow-manure based compost medium with husk and coco peat as bulking agent. Research was carried out by batch flow system for 9 hours. The result indicates that the highest N2O removal efficiency is obtained under flow rate of 88 cm3/min with a depth of 50 cm and water content 50% (w/w) by 61%, and elimination capacity for 14078 g/(m3·h) was achieved.
出处 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2012年第7期584-588,共5页 环境保护(英文)
关键词 BIOFILTER COMPOST Cow-Manure Nitrous OXIDE Removal Efficiency Biofilter Compost Cow-Manure Nitrous Oxide Removal Efficiency
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