Appalachia has been identified as the largest Climate Change Haven in the continental United States and could serve as a refuge for millions of persons. This research presents a marketing plan for promoting migration to the Appalachian Region using advertising and a website that communicates the desirable qualities of the area. Communications will first be directed toward the current residents of Appalachia (the Internal Market) in order to create enthusiasm for welcoming new arrivals. Then, promotional messages will be sent to prospective migrants seeking to escape the negative effects of climate change in the Southeast and Southwest of the United States and globally (the External Market). The approach used here may be applicable to Climate Change Havens across the globe.
Appalachia has been identified as the largest Climate Change Haven in the continental United States and could serve as a refuge for millions of persons. This research presents a marketing plan for promoting migration to the Appalachian Region using advertising and a website that communicates the desirable qualities of the area. Communications will first be directed toward the current residents of Appalachia (the Internal Market) in order to create enthusiasm for welcoming new arrivals. Then, promotional messages will be sent to prospective migrants seeking to escape the negative effects of climate change in the Southeast and Southwest of the United States and globally (the External Market). The approach used here may be applicable to Climate Change Havens across the globe.