In this work data on heterogeneity in halotolerance and the resistance to antibiotics of heterotrophic bacteria dominating in Lake Shira (Republic of Khakasia, Russia) were presented. It was established that halotoler-ance of the bacteria is determined by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Influence of anthropogenic factor (entering the ecosystem allochthonous bacteria) on the appearance of multiple antibiotic resistance appear-ance by dominating bacterial species is discussed.
In this work data on heterogeneity in halotolerance and the resistance to antibiotics of heterotrophic bacteria dominating in Lake Shira (Republic of Khakasia, Russia) were presented. It was established that halotoler-ance of the bacteria is determined by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Influence of anthropogenic factor (entering the ecosystem allochthonous bacteria) on the appearance of multiple antibiotic resistance appear-ance by dominating bacterial species is discussed.