
Daily Activity of Ground Rivers Cycle

Daily Activity of Ground Rivers Cycle
摘要 This article describes a 24-hour daily activity of ground water cycle. It first proves the existence of vapour up-flux using a custom-made reflective carpet. At high grounds of equatorial altitudes above 1500 meter (less than that for other latitudes), water vapour is thought to be condensed forming fresh water within mountains. An evidence of this was found in several sites in Saudi Arabia, where fresh water down-streams from these mountains and pops-out of mountain sides or up from ground surface. Photos of such streams are presented. Another evidence of these rivers is presented in photos of green coastal regions in Saudi Arabia. The paper urges researchers to make concise annual water-budget studies for major known rivers in the world, to prove that rainfall in the basin of each of them runs severely short to explain the annual river flow quantity. This article describes a 24-hour daily activity of ground water cycle. It first proves the existence of vapour up-flux using a custom-made reflective carpet. At high grounds of equatorial altitudes above 1500 meter (less than that for other latitudes), water vapour is thought to be condensed forming fresh water within mountains. An evidence of this was found in several sites in Saudi Arabia, where fresh water down-streams from these mountains and pops-out of mountain sides or up from ground surface. Photos of such streams are presented. Another evidence of these rivers is presented in photos of green coastal regions in Saudi Arabia. The paper urges researchers to make concise annual water-budget studies for major known rivers in the world, to prove that rainfall in the basin of each of them runs severely short to explain the annual river flow quantity.
出处 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2014年第19期1755-1761,共7页 水资源与保护(英文)
关键词 Fresh WATER CYCLE Mountain-Water Ocean-Land Stream Water-Fingerprint ISOTOPES of Hydrogen and Oxygen Fresh Water Cycle Mountain-Water Ocean-Land Stream Water-Fingerprint Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen
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