The CIEH piezometer, located in the center of Ouagadougou city presents a water level record spanning the West African Drought which peaked during the 80s and 90s. Its water level is investigated as a potential proxy for groundwater water resources in West African basement rock aquifers submitted to climate changes. 23 boreholes and wells in various land uses and within a 2 km radius around the CIEH piezometer were monitored during the 2013-2014 hydrologic year. The minimum water level occurred in May, at the end of the dry season, while the maximum took place in October, one month after the end of the rainy season. The mean water level amplitude is 3 m, the minimum amplitude being reached at the CIEH piezometer (0.76 m). Moreover, the CIEH piezometer is located in a 2 m amplitude water table depression either in May or in October. Simplified 2d modeling using a general basement aquifer structure shows that (i) the water level in the piezometer is under ongoing influence of the spillway raise of the nearby dam#3 lake in 2002, (ii) the whole 1978-2004 period cannot be modelled with constant parameters. A 3% decrease of water uptake is adopted after 1985, presumably resulting from land use changes in the Ouagadougou city. The water table at the CIEH piezometer is presently at its 1978 level, which can considered as a pre-drought value. However this includes a 1.5 m contribution of the two abovementioned anthropic effects Further quantitative interpretations of the CIEH piezometer record will require additional geophysical and hydrological investigations.
The CIEH piezometer, located in the center of Ouagadougou city presents a water level record spanning the West African Drought which peaked during the 80s and 90s. Its water level is investigated as a potential proxy for groundwater water resources in West African basement rock aquifers submitted to climate changes. 23 boreholes and wells in various land uses and within a 2 km radius around the CIEH piezometer were monitored during the 2013-2014 hydrologic year. The minimum water level occurred in May, at the end of the dry season, while the maximum took place in October, one month after the end of the rainy season. The mean water level amplitude is 3 m, the minimum amplitude being reached at the CIEH piezometer (0.76 m). Moreover, the CIEH piezometer is located in a 2 m amplitude water table depression either in May or in October. Simplified 2d modeling using a general basement aquifer structure shows that (i) the water level in the piezometer is under ongoing influence of the spillway raise of the nearby dam#3 lake in 2002, (ii) the whole 1978-2004 period cannot be modelled with constant parameters. A 3% decrease of water uptake is adopted after 1985, presumably resulting from land use changes in the Ouagadougou city. The water table at the CIEH piezometer is presently at its 1978 level, which can considered as a pre-drought value. However this includes a 1.5 m contribution of the two abovementioned anthropic effects Further quantitative interpretations of the CIEH piezometer record will require additional geophysical and hydrological investigations.