
Detection on Resources Consumption Drag of Urbanization in China

Detection on Resources Consumption Drag of Urbanization in China
摘要 A unique model of resources consumption drag of urbanization is developed by employing the neo-classical production model and the urbanization relation model. By using this model, it is viable to estimate the resources consumption drag, measured as the reduced speed of urbanization from resources consumption and environmental services. In terms of reduced urbanization process, the aggregated and disaggregated effects from some crucial resources, such as energy, land and water, are calculated and presented. The results show that the drags from energy consumption, land and water in process of China’s urbanization are 0.1061, 0.0036 and 0.1914 percent point respectively and the aggregate drag arrives 0.3010 percent point. With the increasing population and the developing urbanization process in China, the constraints of resources, water and energy in particular cannot be eliminated and the drags will be enhanced and hence the pressure of further urbanization process is still a relatively serious problem. A unique model of resources consumption drag of urbanization is developed by employing the neo-classical production model and the urbanization relation model. By using this model, it is viable to estimate the resources consumption drag, measured as the reduced speed of urbanization from resources consumption and environmental services. In terms of reduced urbanization process, the aggregated and disaggregated effects from some crucial resources, such as energy, land and water, are calculated and presented. The results show that the drags from energy consumption, land and water in process of China’s urbanization are 0.1061, 0.0036 and 0.1914 percent point respectively and the aggregate drag arrives 0.3010 percent point. With the increasing population and the developing urbanization process in China, the constraints of resources, water and energy in particular cannot be eliminated and the drags will be enhanced and hence the pressure of further urbanization process is still a relatively serious problem.
机构地区 不详
出处 《Natural Resources》 2010年第2期80-87,共8页 自然资源(英文)
关键词 URBANIZATION Rresources CONSUMPTION Drag ECONOMIC Growth MODEL URBANIZATION Relation MODEL Urbanization Rresources Consumption Drag Economic Growth Model Urbanization Relation Model
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