
Serpentinites of the Ural: Mineralogical Features, Petrophysical Properties and Subduction Processes

Serpentinites of the Ural: Mineralogical Features, Petrophysical Properties and Subduction Processes
摘要 The article presents the results of study of composition, structure and properties of three genetic types of serpentinites from Ural: developed by chromite-bearing ultrabasic rocks, by metamorphic zones of carbonate rocks and within the zone of weathering of ultrabasic rocks. The samples were selected from deposits, located along the Main Ural Fault - the Paleozoic subduction zone (named GUR). Peculiarities of microstructure, chemical composition and properties of serpentinites formed in different geological conditions were investigated and their comparative study was held. Three groups of serpentinites with oriented and non-oriented structure, which formed by different protholites, were devided: mantle, lithosphere and crust. The article presents the results of study of composition, structure and properties of three genetic types of serpentinites from Ural: developed by chromite-bearing ultrabasic rocks, by metamorphic zones of carbonate rocks and within the zone of weathering of ultrabasic rocks. The samples were selected from deposits, located along the Main Ural Fault - the Paleozoic subduction zone (named GUR). Peculiarities of microstructure, chemical composition and properties of serpentinites formed in different geological conditions were investigated and their comparative study was held. Three groups of serpentinites with oriented and non-oriented structure, which formed by different protholites, were devided: mantle, lithosphere and crust.
出处 《Open Journal of Geology》 2013年第3期250-261,共12页 地质学期刊(英文)
关键词 Ural SERPENTINE SUBDUCTION PROCESSES Petrophysical Properties Velocity of Elastic WAVES Acoustic Emission Ural Serpentine Subduction Processes Petrophysical Properties Velocity of Elastic Waves Acoustic Emission
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