
Fault-Plane Solution of the Earthquake of 19 March 2005 in Monatele (Cameroon)

Fault-Plane Solution of the Earthquake of 19 March 2005 in Monatele (Cameroon)
摘要 An earthquake of magnitude Ml = 3.04 was detected on the 19 of March 2005 at 11:49:18.31 (local time) by seven broadband seismometers located around Cameroon (Central Africa). Its epicenter has been relocated and found to be in Monatele (Cameroon) with latitude 4°26.34' and longitude 10°59.62'. The fault-plane solution calculated using double couple fault-plane solutions based on P-wave polarity readings, also taking into consideration the dextral nature of the Sanaga Fault (SF) underlying this region of the epicenter, is a strike-slip fault with a normal faulting component. The beach ball representation of this fault-plane solution has strike, dip and rake values of 289, 70, -169 for the principal fault plane and 195, 80, -20 for the auxiliary fault plane. An earthquake of magnitude Ml = 3.04 was detected on the 19 of March 2005 at 11:49:18.31 (local time) by seven broadband seismometers located around Cameroon (Central Africa). Its epicenter has been relocated and found to be in Monatele (Cameroon) with latitude 4°26.34' and longitude 10°59.62'. The fault-plane solution calculated using double couple fault-plane solutions based on P-wave polarity readings, also taking into consideration the dextral nature of the Sanaga Fault (SF) underlying this region of the epicenter, is a strike-slip fault with a normal faulting component. The beach ball representation of this fault-plane solution has strike, dip and rake values of 289, 70, -169 for the principal fault plane and 195, 80, -20 for the auxiliary fault plane.
机构地区 Department of Physics
出处 《Open Journal of Geology》 2014年第6期289-293,共5页 地质学期刊(英文)
关键词 EARTHQUAKE Monatele Epicenter FAULT PLANE SOLUTION STRIKE-SLIP FAULT Normal FAULTING Component Earthquake Monatele Epicenter Fault Plane Solution Strike-Slip Fault Normal Faulting Component
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