Mafic and ultramafic intrusions observed in the Archean formations of the Sipilou region exhibit occurrences of polymetallic sulphide. Mapping, petrographic and geochemical studies have defined magnetic facies associated with the various geological units. The results of this work reveal that cupronickel sulphides, olivines and pyroxenes as well as spinels are related to ultrabasic formations where strong magnetic facies prevail. Iron sulphides and magnetite are linked to quartzo-feldspathic and jotunite-enderbite formations, which are characterised by moderate magnetic facies. The latter are thought to be derived from anatexite remobilisation within Archean granulites, which have weak magnetic facies.
Mafic and ultramafic intrusions observed in the Archean formations of the Sipilou region exhibit occurrences of polymetallic sulphide. Mapping, petrographic and geochemical studies have defined magnetic facies associated with the various geological units. The results of this work reveal that cupronickel sulphides, olivines and pyroxenes as well as spinels are related to ultrabasic formations where strong magnetic facies prevail. Iron sulphides and magnetite are linked to quartzo-feldspathic and jotunite-enderbite formations, which are characterised by moderate magnetic facies. The latter are thought to be derived from anatexite remobilisation within Archean granulites, which have weak magnetic facies.
Simon Pierre Djroh
Gnamba Emmanuel Franck Gouedji
Ehui Beh Jean Constantin Aka
Boko Célestin Sombo
Christian Picard
Marc-Antoine Audet
Bouaké Bakayoko
Simon Pierre Djroh;Gnamba Emmanuel Franck Gouedji;Ehui Beh Jean Constantin Aka;Boko Célestin Sombo;Christian Picard;Marc-Antoine Audet;Bouaké Bakayoko(Applied Geophysics Research Team, Laboratory of Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources (LGRME), Faculty of Earth Science and Mineral Resources, Félix Houphouet Boigny University, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire;Geology and Mining Sciences, University of Man, Man, Côte d’Ivoire;University of Franche-Comté (UMR 6249), 16 Route de Gray, Besançon, France;Sama Nickel-CI Sarl, 2 Plateaux Vallons, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)