
Visualization Techniques in Smart Grid 被引量:3

Visualization Techniques in Smart Grid
摘要 Visualization is an established methodology in scientific computing. It has been used in many fields because of its strong capability in large data management and information display. However, its applications in power systems, especially in Smart Grid are still in infancy stage. Besides, while there were a lot of researches working on visualizing data in transmission power system, the study on displaying distribution power system data was limited. Therefore, in this paper, author proposed some techniques to visualize the Smart Grid data at distribution. They are classified in three categories, which are low dimensional techniques, multivariate high dimensional techniques and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques. Visualization is an established methodology in scientific computing. It has been used in many fields because of its strong capability in large data management and information display. However, its applications in power systems, especially in Smart Grid are still in infancy stage. Besides, while there were a lot of researches working on visualizing data in transmission power system, the study on displaying distribution power system data was limited. Therefore, in this paper, author proposed some techniques to visualize the Smart Grid data at distribution. They are classified in three categories, which are low dimensional techniques, multivariate high dimensional techniques and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques.
出处 《Smart Grid and Renewable Energy》 2012年第3期175-185,共11页 智能电网与可再生能源(英文)
关键词 Smart GRID Visualization Techniques Google EARTH GIS QGIS AMI SCADA Spatial TEMPORAL ANIMATION Smart Grid Visualization Techniques Google Earth GIS QGIS AMI SCADA Spatial Temporal Animation
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