
Environmental Impacts of Grid Connected High Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems Adapted for Peak Load Minimization in Hot Climate

Environmental Impacts of Grid Connected High Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems Adapted for Peak Load Minimization in Hot Climate
摘要 High concentrated PV multi-junction solar cells (HCPV) likely present a favorable alternative to achieve low cost of energy. However, multi-junction solar cell has different characteristics which should be settled before they can be adapted for large scale energy generation. Peak energy consumption in Kuwait usually occurs in periods of utilizing air conditioning systems which are essentially used in almost all year around in harsh climate like Kuwait. Power consumed at peak times is more costly than power needed to satisfy loads at regular consumption times. The main goal of the present research is to increase HCPV solar cells’ efficiency, to decrease maximum power cost in Kuwait. Multi-junction solar cells performance in weather conditions of Kuwait is investigated employing a single diode equivalent circuit model. The model developed considers the impacts of concentration ratio as well as temperature. Most research in literature review usually neglects shunt resistance of the diode, however this resistance is taken into consideration in current developed theoretical model. To calibrate the present model, current predictions are compared with corresponding measured data provided by multi-junction solar cell manufacturer. The total root mean square errors in the present model predictions are about 1.8%. This means that current developed model of single diode model which takes into account shunt resistance impacts gives precise and reliable data. HCP electrical efficiency is noticed to rise as concentration increases but to a certain concentration value, then it begins to decrease. In addition, utilizing HCPV linked to grid satisfies great decrease in maximum load. Power produced from HCPV modules is utilized to provide energy needs to a family in normal Kuwaiti family home to evaluate HCPV environmental effects. HCPV modules slopes and areas are changed to accomplish peak energy production all over the year. Present results reveal that optimum power production corresponds to HCPV modules directed to south and having latitude of 25°. In addition, employing HCPV modules can avoid approximately 1.55 ton of emitted CO2 per year. In conclusion, current work reveals the advantage impacts of grid connected HCPV in Kuwait weather. High concentrated PV multi-junction solar cells (HCPV) likely present a favorable alternative to achieve low cost of energy. However, multi-junction solar cell has different characteristics which should be settled before they can be adapted for large scale energy generation. Peak energy consumption in Kuwait usually occurs in periods of utilizing air conditioning systems which are essentially used in almost all year around in harsh climate like Kuwait. Power consumed at peak times is more costly than power needed to satisfy loads at regular consumption times. The main goal of the present research is to increase HCPV solar cells’ efficiency, to decrease maximum power cost in Kuwait. Multi-junction solar cells performance in weather conditions of Kuwait is investigated employing a single diode equivalent circuit model. The model developed considers the impacts of concentration ratio as well as temperature. Most research in literature review usually neglects shunt resistance of the diode, however this resistance is taken into consideration in current developed theoretical model. To calibrate the present model, current predictions are compared with corresponding measured data provided by multi-junction solar cell manufacturer. The total root mean square errors in the present model predictions are about 1.8%. This means that current developed model of single diode model which takes into account shunt resistance impacts gives precise and reliable data. HCP electrical efficiency is noticed to rise as concentration increases but to a certain concentration value, then it begins to decrease. In addition, utilizing HCPV linked to grid satisfies great decrease in maximum load. Power produced from HCPV modules is utilized to provide energy needs to a family in normal Kuwaiti family home to evaluate HCPV environmental effects. HCPV modules slopes and areas are changed to accomplish peak energy production all over the year. Present results reveal that optimum power production corresponds to HCPV modules directed to south and having latitude of 25°. In addition, employing HCPV modules can avoid approximately 1.55 ton of emitted CO2 per year. In conclusion, current work reveals the advantage impacts of grid connected HCPV in Kuwait weather.
出处 《Smart Grid and Renewable Energy》 2018年第11期237-258,共22页 智能电网与可再生能源(英文)
关键词 HIGH Concentrated PHOTOVOLTAIC Systems Avoided CO2 Emission MAXIMUM Load High Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems Avoided CO2 Emission Maximum Load
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