This paper outlines a mechanical transformation process for rubber recycling, demonstrating the development of a new material from used tires. With the crumbs obtained using a crusher-compactor, a novel material for the manufacture of O-rings has been developed, with properties close to those found on the market. The process includes an experimental methodology of a sulfur vulcanization system choice and the quantification of ingredients, as well as the experimental determination of cure parameters. Mechanical tests on the samples completed the work by providing the mechanical characteristics of both unaged and aged (thermo-oxidative ageing) novel material. This process has a high potential for sustainable development and industrialization, making it a valuable contribution to the recycling of rubber in African developing countries.
This paper outlines a mechanical transformation process for rubber recycling, demonstrating the development of a new material from used tires. With the crumbs obtained using a crusher-compactor, a novel material for the manufacture of O-rings has been developed, with properties close to those found on the market. The process includes an experimental methodology of a sulfur vulcanization system choice and the quantification of ingredients, as well as the experimental determination of cure parameters. Mechanical tests on the samples completed the work by providing the mechanical characteristics of both unaged and aged (thermo-oxidative ageing) novel material. This process has a high potential for sustainable development and industrialization, making it a valuable contribution to the recycling of rubber in African developing countries.
Bachirou Bogno
Paul-Salomon Ngohe Ekam
Mohammadou Sali
Dieudonné Kidmo Kaoga
Abderrezak Guenounou
Michel Aillerie
Bachirou Bogno;Paul-Salomon Ngohe Ekam;Mohammadou Sali;Dieudonné Kidmo Kaoga;Abderrezak Guenounou;Michel Aillerie(Higher Teachers’ Training College, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon;Laboratoire Matériaux Optiques, Photonique et Systèmes (LMOPS), University of Lorraine, Centrale Supélec, Metz, France;National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaounde, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon;National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon;Faculty of Technology, Department of Renewable Energies, University of Blida, Blida, Algeria)